Sabtu, 05 Januari 2019

Free Ebook King of Shadows (Dramatized)

Free Ebook King of Shadows (Dramatized)

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King of Shadows (Dramatized)

King of Shadows (Dramatized)

King of Shadows (Dramatized)

Free Ebook King of Shadows (Dramatized)

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King of Shadows (Dramatized)

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 1 hour and 44 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Original recording

Publisher: NYS Theatre Institute Release Date: January 3, 2006

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Nat is a talented orphan who is chosen to be part of an international Shakespeare festival. The first part of the book is about the people he's working with and the plays he's in. But when Nat gets sick and slips into a coma, he's really traveled back in time to Elizabethan England, where he is performing in the same plays with Will Shakespeare, who befriends him and gives him a very special gift. The rest of the book is about Nat's relationship with Shakespeare and the other actors, as well as the differing interpretations of the plays that he's in.I liked that we're told right away that Nat's in a coma rather than having it revealed at the end of the book that it's a dream or hallucination. Also, the discussions of how different time periods and directors see the plays in various ways was a sophisticated concept for a kid's book; it's nice when the author assumes some intelligence on the part of the reader! The story is interesting on many levels -- we learn a lot about England of the time, but within the context of interesting events and happenings -- drama without violence.Highly recommended.

Nat Field, an actor in the American Company of Boys, goes to London with the troupe to play the role of Puck in "A Midsummer Night's Dream" at the new Globe Theatre. Suddenly, he is transported back in time to 1599 London and finds himself portraying Puck at the original Globe. Not only that, he's performing with Will Shakespeare himself, who is playing Oberon! The author brings the sights, sounds and smells of Elizabethan London to life and takes us behind the scenes of the Bard's own production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream." After reading this, you'll probably want to read the play and see a performance yourself. Susan Cooper, who was a student of J.R.R. Tolkien, is an outstanding writer and storyteller. Don't miss her magnum opus, the five-book "The Dark Is Rising" series.

I have a soft spot for time-travel books and have read a fair few. This one will go right to my "very special" shelf of YA books, alongside "The Dark is Rising" (which is actually better than this, but it's better than just about anything!). I read a borrowed copy in one gulp, and now I'm ordering my own.Looking through the reader reviews, I didn't notice anyone linking this to the "Dark is Rising" series, but did anyone else notice that we have a character in here who has been living for a very long time, making things happen for Good?

I really liked this book! I am an actor myself and it in intrigued me the love of the art that was shared with me! I learned to love the characters including William Shakespeare and Thomas. I loved how I felt to really be there! I also like the connections that Nat had when he woke up to how he was 400 years ago, like how gross is hair was because he did not wash it back than and how it could have seemed liked part of the dream because nurses did not clean it! I have recently gone to England and went on the London tower and everything! I felt I was there again when reading. I did not give it five stars because it had some slow parts. Although I think it is a great read and I recommend it to others!

The book is good for stimulating the background knowledge of Shakespeare for young or reluctant readers.

A teenaged boy finds himself transported from modern London to the Elizabethan era where he finds himself part of Shakespeare's acting company. Great story and an excellent picture of London at that time. Written for older children this mature adult enjoyed it.

Great audio book for ages 7 - adult. Good introduction to Shakespeare's time. Jim Dale does his usual superb job at narrating. Only wish it would come in CD.

There were many twist to it that I loved. It showed the true side of the character in the end

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King of Shadows (Dramatized) PDF

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